

导读:台湾领导人蔡英文自从上任后就一直小动作频频,最近更是不顾大陆反对派遣代表团出席川普就职典礼,对此一些专家表示称,大陆必须为蔡英文的极端行为以及最严峻的两岸关系做好军事上的准备。Experts said the Chinese mainland shoul


CCTV9英语新闻:叙利亚反对派领导欲停止和谈GENEVA, April 18 (Xinhua) -- The Syrian opposition the High Negotiations Committee (HNC) on Monday evening issued a statement, saying that they have asked UN Special Envoy for Syr


Syrian government delegation rejects direct talks with opposition

英国民众抗议退欧 英国会留下来吗?

2016年英国退欧公投表决以来,英国退欧反对派已经非常不满。3月23日至26日,距离英国预先安排的脱欧时间还有一年,英国基层民众纷纷上街游行抗议。Opposition to Britains exit from the European Union has been vocal sincethe Ju

乌克兰军机被反对派击落 49士兵死亡

乌克兰军机被反对派击落 49士兵死亡Forty-nine Ukrainian military personnel were killed when rebels shot down a cargo plane over the airport of the eastern city of Luhansk overnight, military spokesman Vladislav Seleznov sa


委内瑞拉政府与反对派对话CARACAS - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro hosted opposition leaders on Thursday at the start of mediated talks intended to stem two months of political unrest that has killed dozens in the OPE


叙利亚反对派或将谈及囚犯互换MONTREUX, Switzerland - Syria's government and opposition, meeting for the first time, vented their mutual hostility on Wednesday but a UN mediator said the enemies may be ready to discuss pri


乌克兰反对派要求总统亚努科维奇辞职Protesters in Ukraine have taken control of government buildings in centralKiev, as they continue to call for President Viktor Yanukovych to quit. Thiscomes following reports that the Pr

乌克兰反对派突袭计划终止 26人死亡

乌克兰反对派突袭计划终止 26人死亡The opposition says a planned assault by protesters has been halted, after a truce was agreed between its leaders and President Viktor Yanukovych. The president has appointed a new milita


发言人:叙利亚反对派着眼于组建过渡政府A spokesman from the Syrian National Coalition has told reporters that their priority in the following talks is to push for the formation of a transitional government in Syria. We ha


南苏丹反对派指责政府违反停火协议Despite President Kiirs remarks, South Sudanese rebels said that government forces attacked their positions on Friday, a day after the two sides signed a ceasefire deal. But the government


Venezuela's jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez celebrated a surprise return to his family after being granted house arrest on Saturday with a promise to fight on, following three years' imprisonment for lead


CCTV9英语新闻:美国敦促叙利亚反对派参与和谈Kerry urges Syria opposition to peace talks The United States has urged Syrias opposition to attend next weeks peace talks in Switzerland.US Secretary of State John Kerry was sp


CCTV9英语新闻:泰国反对派协商是否进行选举Thailands opposition to decide whether to run in electionThailands main opposition Democratic Party will meet on Saturday to decide whether it will run in the forthcoming election


Iranian opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, and their wives, have been taken from their homes by security forces, reports suggest.报道显示,伊朗反对派领导穆萨维和梅卡鲁比以及他们的妻子被保安部队从
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